Three joyful couples posing together outdoors, with the women piggybacking on the men's backs.

If you have any questions about periodontics, we can answer them! Below are some of the commonly asked questions we get about periodontics. If there are any we have missed, contact JB Dental Associates at 571-366-3830, and we will be happy to assist you. We look forward to getting you scheduled with our dentist, Dr. Joyce Bahng, for periodontal care in Sterling, Virginia.

What is Periodontics?

Periodontics is a recognized dental specialty focusing on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of gum disease and conditions affecting the soft oral tissues and bone supporting the jaws.

Who is a Periodontist?

A periodontist is a specialized dental professional receiving additional training post-dental school. They provide treatments for gum disease, soft tissue, and jawbone issues, including dental implant placement.

What is Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, starts as a bacterial infection affecting the gums and progresses, potentially damaging gums and bone. Gingivitis is the milder form, while periodontitis is more severe. It’s crucial to check for periodontal disease during dental visits.

What Causes Periodontal Disease?

Harmful bacteria trapped in plaque lead to periodontal disease. As plaque hardens into calculus, it further establishes the disease. Gum detachment creates pockets housing harmful bacteria. Left untreated, it could result in irreversible conditions.

What Are The Common Symptoms of Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease symptoms include:

  • Gums that are red, swollen, or sensitive, or any other oral pain
  • Bleeding while eating tough meals or brushing dental teeth
  • Retreating or pushing away from the tooth gums
  • Crooked or drifting teeth
  • Pus between the teeth and gums
  • Sores on the lips
  • Constant bad breath
  • A modification in the way your teeth meet when you bite
  • A modification to the fitting of detachable items such as dentures

Can Periodontal Disease Develop Painlessly?

Yes, advanced stages of periodontal disease can progress without causing discomfort. Regular dental visits are vital for early identification and treatment to prevent serious damage.

Is Periodontal Disease Treatable?

With appropriate dental hygiene and preventive treatment, gum disease can be avoided. It is treatable if identified early in the developmental process. But, gum disease may never be completely cured if it advances to a more serious and destructive stage in your mouth. You can successfully manage periodontal disease with a number of treatments available, and our dentist will collaborate with you to create a plan of care that works for you. Common therapies include of:

  • Nonsurgical procedures (such as antibiotic therapy, scaling and root planing, etc.)
  • Periodontal surgery includes osseous, gingivectomy, soft tissue grafting, and other procedures.
  • Better at-home care (specific toothpastes, mouthwashes, prescription trays, etc.)
  • Laser dentistry
  • Implant dentistry

Who Is Susceptible To Gum Disease?

The following factors may put you at higher risk of acquiring periodontal disease:

  • Use tobacco goods or smoke
  • You don’t frequently brush and floss your teeth.
  • Possess a family background of gum disease
  • Possess a systemic illness, such as osteoporosis, diabetes, or heart disease.
  • Presently carrying a child

How Can I Avoid Periodontal Disease At Home?

Maintaining proper dental care at home is the best strategy to stave off gum disease. It is advised that you clean your teeth twice a day at the very least. Brushing should ideally be done right before bed and after every meal. And remember to floss every day. For basic dental cleanings and exams, we advise you to see your dentist at least twice a year.

What Is The Relationship Between General Health And Periodontal Disease?

Your general health and oral health are intimately related. An increased chance of acquiring or aggravating a major medical condition, such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, lung disease, or osteoporosis, is associated with periodontal disease. You are also more prone to get gum disease if you already have a medical problem like any of the ones mentioned above. Pregnant women are also more vulnerable to periodontal disease. Pregnant women should be sure to see their dentist frequently since gum disease during pregnancy can result in kids who are born early and with low birth weights.

What Is Recession Of Gums?

Gum recession is a condition when the gum line pulls back from the tooth root, revealing more of your tooth structure. It is typically brought on by periodontal disease or excessive brushing. This can eventually result in the loss of attachment tissues and supporting bone, which can lead to tooth loss. Soft tissue grafting is one of the many treatments available to stop gum recession and restore healthy gum tissue to your mouth.

How Can Periodontal Pockets Happen?

There are gaps between the gums and teeth called periodontal pockets. Normally, gums and bone encircle teeth tightly. This supporting bone and tissue is destroyed by gum disease, which creates pockets where bacteria can gather and do further harm.

Why Do I Need To Come Back So Frequently Once My Treatment Is Finished?

You will need to have routine periodontal care to help keep your mouth healthy after receiving treatment for periodontal disease. A regimen of routine checkups will be suggested by our dentist to keep your teeth clean and assist you in preventing the recurrence of gum disease.

Are Kids At Risk For Gum Disease?

Children and teenagers are infrequently diagnosed with periodontal disease. Nonetheless, it’s important for kids to acquire basic dental hygiene practices early on in order to form positive dental habits that will eventually help them avoid gum disease. This entails going to the dentist on a regular basis, flossing every day, and brushing at least twice a day.

What Is The Expected Cost Of My Periodontal Treatment?

The kind of care you receive will determine how much it costs. Our dentist will collaborate with you during your initial appointment to identify the course of treatment that will be most helpful for you and to create a personalized treatment plan. At that point, we will be able to give you an idea of how much your treatment will cost.